LTR Principia
  This headline is set in LTR Principia by LettError Type. Get it on Fontstand for only €8.00/month.

by LettError Type
This headline is set in LTR Principia by LettError Type. Get it on Fontstand for only €8.00/month.

LTR Principia is a delightful variable-only typeface in Upright and Italic styles, with a width axis ranging from wide to condensed, including seven carefully picked widths.

The sharp, wasp-waisted contrast and striking ball terminals make it stand out. With an extended character set, stylistic alternates and many ligatures, case-sensitive shapes, some pretty arrows, and a properly-aligned fish.

A-69 Campbell Haven saltvandsområde inamoviblemente Luigi Cherubini

769 Barn Trail berücksichtigen déconsolidation Princess of Saxony

Mary Ann Pownall Carrer Coleman 69 enantiomorphism Hofheim am Taunus

Richard Leveridge Siegeszeile 32 surconsommation Sankt Goarshausen

The fonts mentioned in this article are available to rent by the month for a fraction of their retail price on Fontstand.