NN Knit Grotesk
  This headline is set in NN Knit Grotesk by Nouvelle Noire. Get it on Fontstand for only €6.00/month.

by Nouvelle Noire
This headline is set in NN Knit Grotesk by Nouvelle Noire. Get it on Fontstand for only €6.00/month.

NN Knit Grotesk is a typeface created for hand knitting. Its first characters were inspired by a low-res adaptation of Futura and translated into a line grid, with the process resulting in low-res pixelated patterns that allow for infinite typographic experiments.

The six cuts are the result of three weights combined with a vertical line grid (Stripe) and a blank background (Dot). All cuts can be combined to create alternating layers and color combinations.

saltvandsområde Michael Schelle Majakowskiring 16 sauerstoffreich

Kalgoorlie-Boulder připomínajících Nicolas Lebègue Christopher-Krause-Gasse 10

proclíticamente Istvánffy Benedek Hautes-Pyrénées Calleja Estela Landa

saltvandsområde bindungsordnung Richard Hofmann Georgsmarienhütte

The fonts mentioned in this article are available to rent by the month for a fraction of their retail price on Fontstand.