  This headline is set in Dash Slow L by Typotheque. Get it on Fontstand for only €7.25/month.

by Typotheque
This headline is set in Dash Slow L by Typotheque. Get it on Fontstand for only €7.25/month.

Dash superfamily is based on extensive research into educational handwriting models and documenting the evolution of handwriting in the Western world. The result is a masterful handwriting system consisting of four families representing writing speeds, each with three degrees of width – from normal to wide – and all including six different font weights.

Plaça Jorge Mancera C/7 trilateralmente Bernkastel-Kues saltvandsområde

Mary Richardson Dale technologickému unanständigkeit Johannes Eccard

millonariamente Märkisch Buchholz dvanáctihodinovou Johann Adolf Hasse

Clermont-Ferrand technologickému H. Leslie Adams 4 Place Bethune

Neustadt am Kulm Via Isandro Caraballo 66 nepremišljenost gitterparameter

neuropsicología Giuseppe Giordani Brighton & Hove 53 Rue des Entrepreneurs

The fonts mentioned in this article are available to rent by the month for a fraction of their retail price on Fontstand.