  This headline is set in Euchre by Okay Type. Get it on Fontstand for only €4.50/month.

by Okay Type
This headline is set in Euchre by Okay Type. Get it on Fontstand for only €4.50/month.

Euchre is a dependable text sans with comfortable proportions and open structure, with an extra dose of sparkling contrast, plus all the extra characters and OpenType features you would expect from a text font.

Available in two separate families, Euchre and Euchre Condensed, both including 7 weights with corresponding italics.

Johann Anton André veröffentlichung Invalidenzeile 17 raffermissement

rannsóknarréttur Fortunato Chelleri Avinguda de Mercader F-81 insensiblemente

saltvandsområde Michael Schelle Majakowskiring 16 sauerstoffreich

Carrer German A-46 připomínajících musikinstrument Ernesto Halffter

North Las Vegas 50 Brian Davis Expw F-46 dvanáctihodinovou alternativement

paleozoologists Fort Lauderdale dvanáctihodinovou Daniel Steibelt


incapacitations Khartoum-Omdurman nepremišljenost Federico Chueca

Ernest Chausson Saint Petersburg Albrechtplatz 76 rannsóknarréttur

Richard Leveridge Siegeszeile 32 surconsommation Sankt Goarshausen

Gioacchino Cocchi 17 Mountain Lane 6 drogensüchtiger Casas de Cuadra

deutschlandweit Frédéric Blasius Neukirchen-Vluyn 485 Edwards Glen A-26

Ignazio Spergher Nizhny Novgorod 53 Porte Alex Montgomery nepremišljenost

Euchre Condensed


The fonts mentioned in this article are available to rent by the month for a fraction of their retail price on Fontstand.