CoFo Sona
  This headline is set in CoFo Sona by Contrast Foundry. Get it on Fontstand for only €6.25/month.

by Contrast Foundry
This headline is set in CoFo Sona by Contrast Foundry. Get it on Fontstand for only €6.25/month.

CoFo Sona combines two contradictory concepts – neutrality and vitality – to transcend the geometric genre with a refreshing human touch, with slightly reversed contrast and humanist influence.

Available in four weights for the Latin and Cyrillic scripts.

Fontenay-sous-Bois 84 Boulevard Landry glimmerschiefer Noah Creshevsky

Marie-Heinrich-Gasse Roger Craig Vogel 15 rannsóknarréttur discriminatoire

Richard Yardumian Eisenhüttenstadt 98 Rue Léo Blondeau připomínajících

Saint Petersburg dvanáctihodinovou Christoph Graupner Passeig Olmedo

intersex-person Pietro Baldassare Corbeil-Essonnes 787 Jenkins Gardens

conjuntivamente Villar de Olmos připomínajících Tommaso Giordani

The fonts mentioned in this article are available to rent by the month for a fraction of their retail price on Fontstand.